Cuba Rhythm and Views’ business model from Day One has always been in support of the Cuban people. For us, it is about the art. We view ourselves as cultural ambassadors creating bonafide dialogue and understanding between our peoples. Thankfully there are hundreds of our CR&V alumni scattered throughout the country who feel the same way. From classical music to jazz, dance and the visual arts, CR&V reveals the challenging reality of the arts in Cuba that is remarkably different from anywhere else in the world.
We have witnessed the glimpse of hope that came with the political rapprochement in 2014, only to have it rolled back five years later. As the diplomatic relationship between the United States and the Republic of Cuba continues to degrade after more than six decades of embargo, our cultural and educational exchanges are among the few legal opportunities remaining for Americans to visit Cuba.
CR&V is honored to present this opportunity to experience Havana’s arts, culture, people and nightlife with Michael Butterman and Aldo López-Gavilán. Delegates will be dining in Havana’s world-renowned privately-owned paladares and stay in the finest hotel, Grand Aston La Habana.
February 20, 2024: Travel to Miami on your own
February 21-26, 2024
Double Occupancy per person: $4,350
Single Occupancy surcharge: $600